this was the first thing I read tuesday morning after new years......
that it is better to look like you eat than to look like you don't.
...that everyone on the planet is driven by the same basic desires: happiness, healthiness and someone to spoon with.
...that reality TV, $2000-a-year gyms and chihuahuas are overrated,and
...that the radio,bike riding and stray dogs are underrated.
...that, in the words of Timothy Leary, "women who seek to be equal to men lack ambition."
...that no one can live life to the fullest while sucking her stomach in.
...that the best way to make any decision is to think, when I am 87 years old, will I be glad I did that?
carb" is not a four-letter word.
...that compassion is the new black.
...that, to quote Yoko Ono, "you will always look good to the person who loves you" (But, hey, the best beauty aid is still a nearsighted man.)
...that the wheel is a fine invention but lipstick is genius.
...that if "you have brains in your head and feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose" (Thanks, Dr. Seuss!)