Friday, June 12, 2009

three reasons god is good...

1. for the ability to dream.
2. for the strength to build.
3. for the earth to get dirty with.

The last two weeks I have been quite because Tutt and I with the help of the kids, mother-in-law, brother in law and sister have re-done the front yard. It was a project with lofty goals and yet at the same time neither of us even questioned if we could make it happen.
Here are some of the pictures we took along the way...

the best part was working along side Leah and Kash. Kash helped haul rock and dirt, Leah painted and helped plant, they worked as hard as we did, well, sort of. they also figured out that the meandering path I fretted over for days is the perfect "road" for their bikes!

a few more details of the finished product...

now that it is done we are completely in love and satisfied! every night we walk the path discussing how good we are... cause well, that is how we roll!

thanks for hanging in there with me while I was away deep in manual labor heaven!


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